Donate Online

The Archbishop's Annual Appeal

Thank you for considering a contribution to the 2025 Archbishop’s Annual Appeal. Your support will assist the Archdiocese of Hartford to continue its mission of service

To conveniently make a donation or pledge to the Appeal, you are invited to use the secure online form below using your credit (MC, Visa, Discover or American Express) or debit (MC, Visa) card.

Please note that our online form is completely secure and that the information you provide will not be distributed or sold to any other party for any reason. If you prefer not to use our secure online contribution form, please feel free to donate by mail.

Donor Information: (* denotes required fields)

First Name *
Last Name *
Address *
Address 2
City *
State *
Zip *
Email *
Your email address will be used for the purpose of sending you a receipt and confirmation of your online donation.

Parish Information:

Parish You Are Registered With: *
Pledge Card ID#: ?

My Donation

Please accept my 2025 gift of:


Donation Payment Information

Amount to Charge to My Credit Card Today:

Donation Payment Information

I have already made a pledge of $.
Amount to be charged to my card today $.

In whose name would you like to give this gift?
Family / Person to notify

Please click "Continue To Payment" button only once. The transaction may take a minute.

Have Questions?

Please contact us at 800-781-2550.